We have taken our unique opportunity to correct errors and to enforce a standard of English usage. We list our changes here. If you see anything that needs correction, please contact the Project Aon Staff.
Errata List
(Title Page) Replaced ‘CASTLE DEATH’ with ‘Castle Death’.
(The Story So Far … ) Added a quotation mark to the beginning of the paragraph that starts ‘You see before you Kazan-Oud … ’. Replaced ‘Xulun mountains’ with ‘Xulun Mountains’. Replaced ‘successfully, you too, will’ with ‘successfully, you, too, will’.
(The Game Rules) Replaced both occurrences of ‘ie,’ with ‘i.e.’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Lone Wolf’ with ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Placed ‘or below’ after ‘fall to zero’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘Chart (you’ with ‘Chart. (You’. Replaced ‘Items).’ with ‘Items.)’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf Magnakai’ with ‘Lone Wolf Magnakai’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Action Chart. (ie, if’ with ‘Action Chart. (i.e. if’. Replaced ‘of 14.) When’ with ‘of 14). When’. Replaced ‘ENDURANCE points.)’ with ‘ENDURANCE points).’.
(Disciplines) Replaced ‘weapons list’ with ‘Weapons List’. Replaced ‘two weapons’ with ‘two Weapons’. Added ‘(Psi-surge and Mindblast cannot be used simultaneously.)’ to the description of Psi-surge. Replaced ‘knowledge mastery’ with ‘knowledge that mastery’. Italicised ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Replaced ‘will be of use’ with ‘may be of use’. Added ‘If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 to any number that you choose from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.’ from the Equipment section. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf Magnakai’ with ‘Lone Wolf Magnakai’.
(Equipment) Removed ‘ (see inside front cover of this book)’. Replaced ‘safe keeping’ with ‘safekeeping’. Capitalized the list of items rather than setting them in all capital letters. Replaced ‘fireseeds’ with ‘Fireseeds’. Replaced ‘(eg’ with ‘(e.g.’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Lone Wolf’ with ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Replaced ‘Kai monastery’ with ‘Kai Monastery’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced all occurrences of‘arrows’ with ‘Arrows’. Replaced ‘quiver’ with ‘Quiver’. Replaced ‘Weaponmastery with a bow’ with ‘Weaponmastery with Bow’. Replaced ‘combat, therefore’ with ‘combat; therefore’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘two weapons’ with ‘two Weapons’. Replaced ‘number of weapons’ with ‘number of Weapons’. Replaced ‘blindness and’ with ‘blindness, and’. Replaced ‘roots and’ with ‘roots, and’. Replaced ‘your list’ with ‘your Weaponmastery Checklist’. Deleted ‘If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 to any number that you choose from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.’. Added ‘You may only use one Weapon at a time in combat.’ in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.
(Rules for Combat) Replaced ‘reduced to zero’ with ‘reduced to zero or below’. Replaced ‘points reduced’ with ‘points possibly reduced’. Deleted ‘on the inside back cover of this book’. Replaced ‘at which point the one with the zero score is declared dead.’ with ‘at which point that combatant is declared dead.’.
(Levels of Magnakai Training) Replaced ‘rank and titles’ with ‘ranks and titles’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf Magnakai’ with ‘Lone Wolf Magnakai’.
(Improved Disciplines) Added the title ‘Primate’ to parallel later books. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Lone Wolf’ with ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Replaced ‘will not be able’ with ‘is not able’. Replaced ‘skill will have’ with ‘skill have’. Replaced ‘skill will have a greatly increased agility and be’ with ‘skill have a greatly increased agility and are’.
(Magnakai Wisdom) Replaced ‘Lone Wolf’ with ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series.
(1) Replaced ‘stormclouds’ with ‘storm clouds’. Replaced ‘transluscent’ with ‘translucent’. Replaced ‘air and’ with ‘air, and’. Replaced ‘Canal, and’ with ‘Canal and’. Replaced ‘connversation and’ with ‘conversation, and’. Replaced ‘powerful and’ with ‘powerful, and’. Replaced ‘landing and, within’ with ‘landing, and within’. Replaced ‘visible covering’ with ‘visible, covering’. Replaced ‘shimmering green’ with ‘shimmering, green’. Replaced ‘goodbyes and’ with ‘goodbyes, and’. Replaced ‘north-west’ with ‘northwest’. Replaced ‘Carcos range’ with ‘Carcos Range’. Replaced ‘chasm of Gorgoron’ with ‘Chasm of Gorgoron’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘sky-ship’ with ‘skyship’.
(2) Replaced ‘Kai’ with ‘Magnakai’. Replaced ‘tap it and’ with ‘tap it, and’.
(4) Replaced ‘persistance’ with ‘persistence’. Replaced ‘to bursting’ with ‘to the bursting’.
(7) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘arrows’ with ‘Arrows’. Replaced ‘discard your’ with ‘shoulder your’. Replaced ‘quiver’ with ‘Quiver’.
(10) Replaced ‘view and, for’ with ‘view, and for’.
(11) Replaced ‘black, iron portcullis’ with ‘black iron portcullis’. Moved the option to use Pathsmanship to the first position.
(12) Replaced ‘head and’ with ‘head, and’. Replaced ‘Lipo’ with ‘Lio’. Replaced ‘its entrance is partially’ with ‘its entrance partially’.
(13) Replaced ‘flatstones’ with ‘flagstones’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(14) Replaced ‘ugly bearded’ with ‘ugly, bearded’. Replaced ‘Sweetdreams’ with ‘Sweet dreams’. Replaced ‘icy-cold’ with ‘icy cold’.
(15) Replaced ‘points), and’ with ‘points) and’. Replaced ‘ceiling and floor’ with ‘ceiling, and floor’. Replaced ‘flasks and all manner’ with ‘flasks, and all manner’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘weapons’ with ‘Weapons’. Replaced ‘Platinum Amulet’ with ‘Kazan-Oud Platinum Amulet’ to disambiguate it from Platinum Amulets found later in the series that also protect against extremes of cold.
(16) Replaced ‘fall but’ with ‘fall, but’. Replaced ‘Lantern or’ with ‘Lantern, or’. Replaced ‘these Items’ with ‘these items’.
(18) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(19) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(20) Replaced ‘sibilent’ with ‘sibilant’.
(22) Replaced ‘you but’ with ‘you, but’.
(23) Replaced ‘fortess’ with ‘fortress’. Replaced ‘long dead giant’ with ‘long-dead giant’.
(25) Replaced ‘silence, then’ with ‘silence, and then’.
(26) Replaced ‘Weaponskill’ with ‘Weaponmastery’.
(27) Replaced ‘intact and’ with ‘intact, and’. Replaced ‘cry and’ with ‘cry, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(28) Replaced ‘skull and’ with ‘skull, and’.
(30) Replaced ‘warm and, as’ with ‘warm, and as’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(31) Replaced ‘despatch’ with ‘dispatch’. Replaced ‘robes but, lying’ with ‘robes, but lying’. Replaced ‘use and’ with ‘use, and’. Replaced ‘chamber but, as’ with ‘chamber, but as’. Replaced ‘helmet, and’ with ‘helmet and’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘Items’ with ‘items’. Replaced ‘bow, or do’ with ‘Bow, or if you do’.
(32) Replaced ‘Action Chart) but’ with ‘Action Chart), but’. Replaced ‘click’ with ‘click’.
(34) Replaced ‘Animal Kinship’ with ‘Animal Control’. Replaced ‘click’ with ‘click’. Replaced ‘corridor, whose’ with ‘corridor whose’.
(35) Replaced ‘head, and’ with ‘head and’. Replaced ‘Magnakai rank’ with ‘Kai rank’ for consistency with the rest of the series.
(36) Replaced ‘staircase and’ with ‘staircase, and’.
(39) Replaced ‘louder but’ with ‘louder, but’.
(41) Replaced ‘warm but’ with ‘warm, but’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(43) Replaced ‘Boari jungle’ with ‘Boari Jungle’. Replaced ‘Boari jungle’ with ‘Boari Jungle’.
(44) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(45) Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(46) Moved the Invisibility/Pathsmanship/Divination choice into the first position. Replaced ‘Pathsmanship or’ with ‘Pathsmanship, or’.
(47) Replaced ‘tracks, and’ with ‘tracks and’.
(48) Replaced ‘yards, when’ with ‘yards when’. Replaced ‘light and’ with ‘light, and’.
(49) Replaced ‘rock, when’ with ‘rock when’.
(50) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘Dropping’ with ‘Shouldering’.
(56) Replaced both occurrences of ‘beastmen’ with ‘Beastmen’. Replaced ‘Items’ with ‘items’. Replaced ‘Weapons List’ with ‘Special Items’ for clarity.
(57) Replaced ‘deeper but’ with ‘deeper, but’.
(58) Replaced ‘points.)’ with ‘points).’. Replaced ‘presence but’ with ‘presence, but’.
(60) Replaced ‘arm and’ with ‘arm, and’. Replaced ‘this Item’ with ‘this item’.
(61) Replaced ‘ceilings and scrambling’ with ‘ceilings, and scrambling’.
(63) Replaced ‘chamber, but’ with ‘chamber but’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(64) Replaced ‘deep and’ with ‘deep, and’.
(65) Replaced ‘Kai initiate’ with ‘Kai Initiate’. Replaced ‘Durncrag mountains’ with ‘Durncrag Mountains’.
(66) Replaced the second choice ‘If you do not have a sword, you will have to abandon the door. Only the statue offers any hope of escape for you; turn to 168.’ with ‘If you do not have a sword, turn to 263.’. Section 168 offers basically the same choice and is only forestalling the impending outcome in Section 263.
(67) Replaced ‘glowing sticky’ with ‘glowing, sticky’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘click’ with ‘click’.
(68) Replaced ‘unremarkable but’ with ‘unremarkable, but’. Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(69) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(70) Replaced ‘beach turn to 173’ with ‘beach, turn to 173’. Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(71) Replaced ‘ceiling and’ with ‘ceiling, and’.
(72) Replaced ‘tunic but’ with ‘tunic, but’. Also deleted the ‘(lose 2 ENDURANCE points)’ since Nexus is supposed to prevent or reduce ENDURANCE loss—not induce it. Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(73) Replaced ‘Kakush’ with ‘Kakushi’.
(74) Replaced ‘Kazan-Oud, they’ with ‘Kazan-Oud; they’.
(75) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(76) Replaced ‘dagger and’ with ‘dagger, and’. Added ‘or any two-handed weapon (i.e. Broadsword, Spear, Quarterstaff)’ (cf. The Dungeons of Torgar Section 304).
(77) Replaced ‘than can sustain’ with ‘that can sustain’.
(78) Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(79) Replaced ‘scream but’ with ‘scream, but’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(80) Replaced ‘these Items’ with ‘these items’. Replaced ‘Items’ with ‘items’.
(81) Replaced ‘crossbow but’ with ‘crossbow, but’.
(82) Replaced ‘lake and’ with ‘lake, and’. Replaced ‘wall and’ with ‘wall, and’. Replaced ‘storm but’ with ‘storm, but’.
(84) Replaced ‘legs the’ with ‘legs, the’.
(85) Replaced ‘feet and’ with ‘feet, and’. Replaced ‘climb your’ with ‘climb, your’.
(88) Moved the Nexus choice into the first position.
(89) Replaced ‘subjectd’ with ‘subjected’. Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(90) Replaced ‘touch and’ with ‘touch, and’. Replaced ‘that Magnakai’ with ‘the Magnakai’. Replaced ‘skill or’ with ‘skill nor’. Replaced ‘Platinum Amulet’ with ‘Kazan-Oud Platinum Amulet’. Replaced ‘Nexus, or’ with ‘Nexus or’.
(92) Replaced ‘side and’ with ‘side, and’. Replaced ‘screams and sounds’ with ‘screams, and sounds’.
(93) Replaced ‘difficult that’ with ‘difficult than’. Replaced ‘Sticky rope-like’ with ‘Sticky, rope-like’.
(95) Replaced ‘Then gurgling’ with ‘Then, gurgling’.
(96) Replaced ‘mouth and’ with ‘mouth, and’. Replaced ‘new-found’ with ‘newfound’.
(100) Replaced ‘wall but’ with ‘wall, but’. Replaced ‘ceiling and’ with ‘ceiling, and’. Replaced ‘has, and’ with ‘has and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(102) Replaced ‘accord and’ with ‘accord, and’.
(104) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(105) Replaced ‘Elzian, he’ with ‘Elzian,’ he’.
(107) Replaced ‘hand but’ with ‘hand, but’. Replaced ‘envelopes’ with ‘envelops’. Replaced ‘air-tight’ with ‘airtight’. Replaced ‘Items’ with ‘items’.
(110) Replaced ‘open and’ with ‘open, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(111) Replaced ‘dim diffused’ with ‘dim, diffused’. Replaced ‘Crowns and your’ with ‘Crowns, and your’.
(112) Replaced ‘pieces, and’ with ‘pieces and’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(113) Replaced ‘sleep and’ with ‘sleep, and’.
(115) Replaced ‘Locksmith’s’ with ‘Locksmiths’’.
(117) Replaced ‘despatch’ with ‘dispatch’. Replaced ‘skill, or do’ with ‘skill, or if you do’.
(118) Replaced ‘you and, as’ with ‘you, and as’. Replaced ‘new-found’ with ‘newfound’.
(119) Replaced ‘sight but’ with ‘sight, but’.
(120) Replaced ‘atttack’ with ‘attack’. Moved the Nexus choice into the first position.
(122) Replaced ‘rockwall’ with ‘rock wall’. Replaced ‘itself everywhere’ with ‘itself; everywhere’. Replaced ‘away and’ with ‘away, and’. Replaced ‘aboard and’ with ‘aboard, and’. Replaced ‘Inside is a small wicker coracle and a paddle’ with ‘Inside are a small wicker coracle and a paddle’.
(123) Replaced ‘strong iron-shod’ with ‘strong, iron-shod’. Replaced ‘click’ with ‘click’.
(127) Replaced ‘wind, whistles’ with ‘wind whistles’.
(129) Replaced ‘(ie,’ with ‘(i.e.’.
(130) Replaced ‘slimy worm-like’ with ‘slimy, worm-like’. Replaced ‘minutes and, when’ with ‘minutes, and when’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(131) Replaced ‘choice, and’ with ‘choice and’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’. Replaced ‘Item from’ with ‘item from’.
(132) Replaced ‘click’ with ‘click’.
(133) Replaced ‘northlander’ with ‘Northlander’.
(135) Replaced ‘green forked’ with ‘green, forked’. Replaced ‘Kazan-Oud and, for’ with ‘Kazan-Oud, and for’. Replaced ‘lightning and’ with ‘lightning, and’. Replaced ‘dock but’ with ‘dock, but’. Moved the Divination choice into the first position.
(137) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(138) Replaced ‘heard and’ with ‘heard, and’. Replaced ‘Kai Lord’ with ‘Kai Lord!’.
(139) Replaced ‘undisturbed, not’ with ‘undisturbed: not’. Replaced ‘worms and snakes, denizens common to every subterranean lair, have’ with ‘worms, and snakes—denizens common to every subterranean lair—have’.
(141) Replaced ‘go but, as’ with ‘go, but as’. Replaced ‘mace but’ with ‘mace, but’. Moved the Lore-circle of the Spirit choice into the first position.
(142) Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘If the fight lasts’ with ‘If you win and the fight lasts’ in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.
(145) Replaced ‘hole and’ with ‘hole, and’.
(146) Replaced ‘face, and’ with ‘face and’.
(148) Replaced ‘warm and’ with ‘warm, and’. Capitalized the list of items rather than setting them in all capitals. Replaced ‘these Items’ with ‘these items’. Replaced ‘several Items’ with ‘several items’. Replaced ‘drawbolt’ with ‘bolt’.
(149) Replaced ‘abyss and’ with ‘abyss, and’.
(150) Replaced ‘with the’ with ‘with, the’. Replaced ‘Nexus, and’ with ‘Nexus and’.
(151) Replaced ‘skins they’ with ‘skins, they’. Replaced ‘return of the skull.’ with ‘return of the skull:’.
(152) Replaced ‘walkway and’ with ‘walkway, and’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(153) Moved the Divination choice into the first position.
(156) Replaced ‘blood-stained’ with ‘bloodstained’.
(158) Replaced ‘backpack and’ with ‘Backpack, and’. Replaced ‘boulder and’ with ‘boulder, and’. Replaced ‘Items’ with ‘items’.
(159) Replaced ‘deserted and’ with ‘deserted, and’. Replaced ‘beam but’ with ‘beam, but’.
(160) Replaced ‘icy-cold’ with ‘icy cold’. Replaced ‘your realize’ with ‘you realize’.
(161) Moved the Pathsmanship choice into the first position.
(162) Moved the Pathsmanship/Divination choice into the first position. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(164) Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption. Replaced all occurrences of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘skulls and several’ with ‘skulls, and several’. Replaced ‘cruel inhuman’ with ‘cruel, inhuman’.
(165) Replaced ‘laughter and’ with ‘laughter, and’. Replaced ‘distance and’ with ‘distance, and’. Replaced ‘fever but’ with ‘fever, but’. Replaced ‘two and’ with ‘two, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(168) Replaced ‘sword or a spear’ with ‘Sword or a Spear’.
(171) Replaced ‘others and’ with ‘others, and’. Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(173) Replaced ‘narrow and, as’ with ‘narrow, and as’. Moved the Divination choice into the first position.
(174) Replaced ‘staff but’ with ‘staff, but’. Replaced ‘DIE!’ with ‘die!’.
(175) Replaced ‘number have’ with ‘number you have’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(177) Replaced ‘lake splitting’ with ‘lake, splitting’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(179) Replaced ‘discipline’ with ‘Discipline’. Replaced ‘Psi-shield’ with ‘Psi-screen’.
(181) Replaced ‘life and’ with ‘life, and’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘The torch splutters’ with ‘The torch sputters’.
(184) Replaced ‘discipline’ with ‘Discipline’.
(185) Replaced ‘run you’ with ‘run, you’.
(186) Replaced ‘human but’ with ‘human, but’. Replaced ‘spear’ with ‘Spear’. Replaced ‘blow but’ with ‘blow, but’. Replaced ‘battle wounds’ with ‘battle-wounds’.
(187) Moved the Divination choice into the first position. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(188) Replaced ‘burst; your’ with ‘burst, your’. Replaced ‘roof and’ with ‘roof, and’.
(194) Replaced ‘brighter and, for’ with ‘brighter, and for’.
(195) Replaced ‘you and, in’ with ‘you, and in’.
(196) Replaced ‘lake and’ with ‘lake, and’. Replaced ‘weapon, as’ with ‘weapon as’. Replaced ‘bow and’ with ‘Bow and’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(197) Replaced ‘helmet, and’ with ‘helmet and’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘bow, or’ with ‘Bow, or if you’.
(198) Replaced ‘more you’ with ‘more, you’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(199) Replaced ‘chain-mail’ with ‘chainmail’. Replaced ‘his Backpack’ with ‘his backpack’. Replaced ‘Kakush’ with ‘Kakushi’.
(200) Replaced ‘crumbling and’ with ‘crumbling, and’.
(201) Replaced ‘wall but’ with ‘wall, but’.
(202) Replaced ‘crow and’ with ‘crow, and’.
(203) Replaced ‘rope and’ with ‘rope, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(204) Replaced ‘take but, as’ with ‘take, but as’.
(205) Replaced ‘discipline and’ with ‘Discipline, and’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(206) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(209) Replaced all occurrences of ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(210) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(212) Replaced ‘comrade-in-arms, and’ with ‘comrade-in-arms and’.
(214) Replaced ‘resistance’ with ‘RESISTANCE’.
(216) Replaced ‘ears, and’ with ‘ears and’. Replaced ‘spindly limbed’ with ‘spindly-limbed’.
(217) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘spluttering fuse’ with ‘sputtering fuse’.
(218) Replaced ‘bang’ with ‘bang’.
(219) Replaced ‘feet and’ with ‘feet, and’.
(220) Replaced ‘new-found’ with ‘newfound’. Replaced ‘despatch’ with ‘dispatch’.
(221) Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(222) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(223) Replaced ‘eyes and’ with ‘eyes, and’. Replaced ‘Turn to 164’ with ‘Turn to 165’. All other paths leading to Section 164 came through Section 277 which involves falling into a pit. All paths leading to Section 165 involved getting ensnared in a booby trap similar to the trap in Section 223.
(225) Replaced ‘Weaponskill’ with ‘Weaponmastery’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(227) Replaced ‘Items’ with ‘items’.
(228) Replaced ‘blow and’ with ‘blow, and’. Moved the Pathsmanship choice into the first position.
(229) Replaced ‘darkness makes’ with ‘darkness, make’.
(232) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(234) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(235) Replaced ‘fast but’ with ‘fast, but’.
(236) Replaced ‘spear’ with ‘Spear’. Replaced ‘broadsword’ with ‘Broadsword’. Moved the Pathsmanship choice into the first position.
(238) Capitalized the list rather than setting them in all capital letters. Replaced ‘Items’ with ‘items’. Replaced ‘Items’ with ‘items’.
(239) Replaced ‘earth and instinctively,’ with ‘earth, and instinctively’. Moved the Pathsmanship choice into the first position.
(244) Replaced ‘flood-next’ with ‘flood—next’.
(245) Replaced ‘eyes and’ with ‘eyes, and’.
(246) Replaced ‘spluttering fuse’ with ‘sputtering fuse’.
(248) Replaced ‘staircase, and’ with ‘staircase and’. Moved the Pathsmanship/Divination choice into the first position.
(249) Replaced ‘hands and’ with ‘hands, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(250) Replaced ‘Herdos and’ with ‘Herdos, and’. Replaced ‘level, and’ with ‘level and’. Moved the Pathsmanship/Divination choice into the first position. Replaced ‘new-found’ with ‘newfound’. Replaced ‘guards and his’ with ‘guards, and his’.
(252) Replaced ‘now and’ with ‘now, and’.
(253) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(255) Replaced ‘trunk and, after’ with ‘trunk, and after’. Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘5–8’ with ‘3–8’.
(256) Replaced ‘spine and, to’ with ‘spine, and to’.
(258) Replaced ‘advance but’ with ‘advance, but’. Replaced ‘darkness and’ with ‘darkness, and’. Replaced ‘turn to 186’ with ‘turn to 289’. Note that we chose Section 289 instead of Section 49 as noted in Lone Wolf Club Newsletter Summer Special 1987. Replaced ‘these Items, and’ with ‘these items and’.
(260) Replaced ‘decay and, to’ with ‘decay, and to’. Replaced ‘Items’ with ‘items’.
(261) Replaced ‘deserted but’ with ‘deserted, but’. Replaced ‘these Items’ with ‘these items’.
(262) Replaced ‘locked but’ with ‘locked, but’. Replaced ‘these Items’ with ‘these items’. Replaced ‘crates and dusty’ with ‘crates, and dusty’.
(265) Replaced ‘sand and’ with ‘sand, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘Psi-surge, and’ with ‘Psi-surge and’. Replaced ‘or do’ with ‘or if you do’.
(266) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(267) Replaced ‘rests, and’ with ‘rests and’. Replaced ‘new-found’ with ‘newfound’.
(269) Replaced ‘heavy and’ with ‘heavy, and’. Replaced ‘exit; a’ with ‘exit. A’.
(270) Replaced ‘statue and’ with ‘statue, and’.
(272) Replaced ‘end and’ with ‘end, and’.
(273) Replaced ‘power-staves and’ with ‘power-staves, and’.
(274) Replaced ‘rivets or hinges’ with ‘rivets, or hinges’.
(276) Replaced all occurrences of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(280) Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘to zero in’ with ‘to zero or below in’. Replaced ‘If combat lasts four rounds’ with ‘If you win the combat in four rounds’ in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.
(282) Replaced ‘turn to 173’ with ‘turn to 273’.
(283) Replaced ‘legs and hands’ with ‘legs, and hands’.
(286) Replaced ‘open and’ with ‘open, and’. Replaced ‘head first’ with ‘head-first’. Replaced ‘mist and’ with ‘mist, and’. Replaced ‘semi-circular’ with ‘semicircular’. Replaced ‘darkness and’ with ‘darkness, and’.
(287) Replaced ‘ahead but’ with ‘ahead, but’.
(288) Replaced ‘floors lay open’ with ‘floors lie open’.
(290) Replaced ‘combat for’ with ‘combat, for’. Replaced ‘new-found’ with ‘newfound’.
(293) Replaced ‘storm adds to’ with ‘storm add to’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(294) Moved the Pathsmanship choice into the first position. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(295) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(296) Replaced ‘body and’ with ‘body, and’.
(298) Replaced ‘them and’ with ‘them, and’.
(299) Replaced ‘fingers and’ with ‘fingers, and’.
(300) Replaced ‘terror but’ with ‘terror, but’.
(304) Replaced ‘presence but’ with ‘presence, but’.
(306) Replaced ‘discipline’ with ‘Discipline’.
(308) Replaced ‘prowess and’ with ‘prowess, and’. Moved the Nexus choice into the first position.
(309) Replaced ‘can but’ with ‘can, but’.
(311) Replaced ‘cracks but’ with ‘cracks, but’.
(312) Replaced ‘click and’ with ‘click, and’.
(313) Deleted the instruction to choose an unused random number.
(314) Replaced ‘discipline’ with ‘Discipline’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(315) Replaced ‘rapidly and’ with ‘rapidly, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘climb and’ with ‘climb, and’.
(316) Replaced ‘simultaneously and’ with ‘simultaneously, and’.
(317) Replaced ‘spluttering fuse’ with ‘sputtering fuse’.
(318) Replaced ‘right and’ with ‘right, and’. Replaced ‘ahead, and’ with ‘ahead and’.
(322) Replaced ‘maze but’ with ‘maze, but’.
(323) Replaced ‘end and’ with ‘end, and’.
(325) Replaced ‘mouth and’ with ‘mouth, and’. Replaced ‘icy-cold’ with ‘icy cold’.
(328) Replaced ‘Weaponskill’ with ‘Weaponmastery’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(329) Replaced ‘mind but, try’ with ‘mind, but try’.
(333) Moved the Pathsmanship choice into the first position. Replaced ‘wind, then’ with ‘wind, and then’.
(335) Replaced ‘hunch-backed’ with ‘hunchbacked’. Replaced ‘all weapons’ with ‘all Weapons’. Replaced ‘eye, then’ with ‘eye, and then’.
(336) Replaced ‘knees but’ with ‘knees, but’. Replaced ‘air and’ with ‘air, and’. Replaced ‘the pack are’ with ‘the pack is’.
(339) Replaced ‘sword and’ with ‘sword, and’.
(341) Replaced ‘brighter and’ with ‘brighter, and’. Replaced ‘glow and’ with ‘glow, and’.
(342) Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption.
(344) Replaced ‘presence but’ with ‘presence, but’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(346) Replaced ‘sound but’ with ‘sound, but’.
(347) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘whistle’ with ‘Whistle’.
(348) Replaced ‘light and’ with ‘light, and’. Replaced ‘Lantern or a Torch’ with ‘Lantern, or a Torch’. Replaced ‘these Items’ with ‘these items’.
(349) Replaced ‘corridor the’ with ‘corridor, the’. Replaced ‘back but’ with ‘back, but’. Replaced ‘maze and’ with ‘maze, and’.
(350) Replaced ‘trumpeteers’ with ‘trumpeters’. Replaced ‘caravel and’ with ‘caravel, and’. Replaced ‘impossible and’ with ‘impossible, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration’s caption. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf series’ with ‘ Lone Wolf series’.
(Combat Rules Summary) Replaced ‘cross reference’ with ‘cross-reference’. Replaced ‘top of chart’ with ‘top of the chart’. Replaced ‘fall to 0’ with ‘falls to 0 or below’. Replaced ‘Kai Disciplines’ with ‘Magnakai Disciplines’. Replaced ‘Pick number from’ with ‘Pick a number from the’. Replaced ‘Turn to Combat’ with ‘Turn to the Combat’. Replaced ‘to random number’ with ‘to the random number’. Replaced ‘when ENDURANCE’ with ‘when the ENDURANCE’. Replaced ‘ignored, only’ with ‘ignored; only’.