Castle Death


Four warriors, dark and grim, march into the hall in single file. At once their black armour and skull-like helmets make you think they are Drakkarim—evil human warriors who serve the Darklords of Helgedad. But when they draw to a halt before the sarcophagus, you see that they cannot possibly be human. Their great sloping shoulders support unnaturally long arms, and the hands that grip their weapons are covered with bristling ginger hair. Yellowed talons curve from their fingers, and behind them hang long black tails, tufted at the end like the tails of lions.


Their leader grunts a command and approaches the grey granite tomb. He raises his hairy fist and presses three buttons set into the stone. A secret panel slides open, and all four step into it and disappear from view. It closes behind them without a sound.

If you wish to examine the sarcophagus, turn to 83.

If you wish to leave the hall by the tunnel from which the warriors appeared, turn to 323.

If you decide to leave the hall by the tunnel to your left, turn to 201.

Project AonCastle Death