Castle Death


You thread your way through a network of empty passages and chambers. Twice you are forced to hide when groups of black-armoured warriors appear unexpectedly. At first you think that they are Drakkarim, evil humans who serve the Darklords of Helgedad, but their unnaturally long arms and the tails that swing behind them soon dispel that fear, replacing it with a far greater one.

At the bottom of a narrow winding stairway, you arrive at a small but opulently furnished chamber, its walls hung with beautiful tapestries, undamaged by the damp that pervades the upper levels of the fortress. It looks as if you have reached a dead end, and you are about to turn back when you notice a small door tucked away in one corner of the room.

If you wish to open the door, turn to 256.

If you decide to take a closer look at the tapestries, turn to 305.

Project AonCastle Death