Castle Death


The sarcophagus is covered with intricate carvings depicting a procession of strange creatures: some are part human, part animal; others are wholly alien to anything you have ever encountered before. One carving in particular holds your attention: that of a snake coiled around a row of three stone buttons. It reminds you of a lock designed by the locksmiths of Holmgard, the capital city of your homeland.

Your keen eyes are drawn to a faint crack that runs vertically through the stone. You follow the line of the crack and discover that it marks the outline of a concealed door.

If you wish to try to open the concealed door, turn to 115.

If you prefer to leave the hall by the tunnel to your right, turn to 323.

If you wish to leave the hall via the tunnel to your left, turn to 201.

Project AonCastle Death