Castle Death


Shortly you arrive at another stone staircase. This one is intact, however, and ascends to a cave-like entrance in the sheer rock wall. You cannot follow the beach any further, for a salient of the wall blocks your way. Moreover, the weather is getting worse with every passing minute and you need to seek shelter from the coming storm.

By the time you have climbed all the way to the cave, the storm has broken. As you stand in the entrance, the rain-filled wind lashes you mercilessly and the ground shudders with every clap of thunder. The faint green glow of the power-shield is the only source of light, and you enter cautiously. You are soon swallowed up by darkness and your progress becomes painfully slow.

If you have a Kalte Firesphere, a Lantern, or a Torch and Tinderbox, turn to 49.

If you have none of these items, turn to 277.

Project AonCastle Death