Castle Death


Breaking open the two halves of your Firesphere, you hold the magical flame close to the transparent skin. It quickly melts a hole, and a great gust of air surges into the bubble, splitting the skin wide open from top to bottom. Holding the Firesphere before you, you melt a path through the other bubbles. As the flame punctures their jelly-like skins they implode and plop to the floor in tatters.

You move on, your eyes peeled for the slightest hint of danger. A shadow on the floor in the distance makes you wary, and your fear soon turns to dismay when you see that it is a deep, dark pit, which covers the corridor with thirty feet of blackness. A sudden glow in the mist overhead heralds the unwelcome return of the skull:


‘The path across defies your sight,
Find the path or stay and fight!’

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen or Divination, turn to 39.

If you do not possess either of these skills, turn to 261.

Project AonCastle Death