Castle Death


In reply to your correct answer,5 the oval door emits a click and slowly swings open. You step through and descend a steep ramp to a long corridor whose walls are covered with what appear to be gigantic cocoons that stretch into the distance for as far as you can see. The oval door clicks shut but the clicking continues, like an echo, only growing steadily louder. In the gloomy corridor ahead you can see that something is moving. A huge worm-like creature with great black eyes and horny mandibles is slithering towards you, a purple froth bubbling from its mouth as it picks up your scent.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility, turn to 86.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control and have reached the Kai rank of Primate, turn to 130.

If you have a Silver Whistle, turn to 347.

If you have neither of these skills nor the Special Item, turn to 233.

[5] This section is the correct answer to the Zakhan’s riddle from Section 100.

Project AonCastle Death