Castle Death


You press yourself between two of the silky cocoons hanging from the wall and use your Magnakai skill to mask the heat and scent of your body. The hideous worm-like creature halts, its clicking mandibles snapping the air in frustration. You turn your head away and look straight into one of the cocoons. A chill runs down your spine, for the decaying remains of a female warrior’s face stare back at you from inside the web-like strands of the cocoon.

The sudden shock makes you draw breath sharply. Immediately, the worm-like thing slithers forward, propelled by its short, rubbery legs. You can only pray that it has not detected your hiding place.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 109.

If it is 5–9, turn to 278.

Project AonCastle Death