You stare into the inky black eyes and command the creature to cease its attack. Instantly the slimy, worm-like thing rears up, its short, rubbery legs scrabbling the air in agony, as your command burns into its sensitive and vulnerable brain. As it twists back on itself, its head disappears into the mist. There is an ear-splitting crack as blue lightning engulfs the creature, crackling snake-like around its neck, and filling your nostrils with the stench of burning meat. The creature thrashes wildly for several minutes, and when its gruesome dance is finally done, the canopy of mist is no longer there. In the darkness above, you see a walkway with an observation platform.
If you wish to climb the body of the dead worm-thing and pull yourself onto the platform, turn to 294.
If you prefer to climb over the worm and continue along the corridor, turn to 46.