Castle Death


As you pull yourself onto the cold iron platform, you see the maze spread out below you like the surface of a massive brain, each chamber a cell populated with perils created by the devilish imagination of Lord Zahda. A criss-cross of interconnecting walkways is suspended above the maze by gigantic chains that vanish into blackness. You hurry along the iron path towards a staircase that descends to an arch beyond the boundary wall of the maze. As you run through it, you can hear an alarm bell echoing in the vastness above: your escape has not gone unnoticed.

A vaulted corridor lies beyond the arch, which leads to a junction with two exits.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, turn to 330.

If you wish to take the passage to your right, turn to 92.

If you wish to take the passage to your left, turn to 20.

Project AonCastle Death