Castle Death


The stone blocks crumble on the third blow, and you waste no time climbing through the hole and into the rough-hewn tunnel beyond. The canopy of mist no longer obscures the ceiling and the tunnel is dark and damp; you feel sure that you have escaped from the maze.

The tunnel twists and turns like a gigantic snake until you arrive at a wall made up of planks of wood. The timber is rotten and you have no difficulty gaining access to the vaulted corridor beyond. The tunnel on this side of the wooden wall is far cleaner and drier, and you walk easily along it until you come to a junction: a passage crosses from left to right.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, turn to 330.

If you wish to take the passage to your left, turn to 20.

If you wish to take the passage to your right, turn to 92.

Project AonCastle Death