Your mastery of this Lore-circle enables you to understand the creatures’ strange language, and from the shadows of the entrance you listen intently to their conversation.
‘Repairs in the central shaft are nearly finished. In three suns’ time we will be able to continue,’ comments a reedy voice.
‘We cannot wait that long,’ interrupts another, its voice deeper and angrier in tone. ‘Lord Zahda ordered the tunnelling to begin again without delay. We must obey his command.’
‘But the risks are too great,’ retorts the first voice. ‘We lost a hundred slaves in the flood—next time we may lose more than just slaves.’
A noise in the corridor alerts you to approaching danger: a patrol of armoured guards is heading in your direction.
If you wish to try to sneak through the chamber and attempt to reach the opposite corridor unseen, turn to 343.
If you wish to hide in the shadows of the doorway, turn to 181.