Castle Death


You walk upon the glittering marble flagstone of Zahda’s throne-hall, your footsteps echoing among the circular tiers as you approach the central pit. The chamber is deserted, and only the flickering flames that curl around the pinnacle of black iron shed any light upon the vastness.

‘You dare to challenge the power of Zahda?’ booms a voice in the darkness above, a voice made thunderous in the cavernous expanse of the throne-hall. A blinding white light holds you in its beam, blazing down from the throne with unnatural intensity. ‘You dare to pit yourself against the Lord of Kazan-Oud?’

Desperately you try to escape from the beam, but you cannot move. Your muscles are numb and nerveless, paralysed by Zahda’s beam.

‘I know your purpose—your identity was revealed to me in the maze. You are the Kai Lord—the one they call Lone Wolf.’ The voice is now filled with anger and indignation. ‘You have come here to steal that which belongs to me. For such a crime there can be only one penalty—death!’

A pulse of raw energy hurtles down from the throne, speeding towards you like a burning sun. It consumes you in a searing ball of flame, destroying you completely and forever.

Your life and your quest end here.

Project AonCastle Death