Castle Death


You are standing in a passage, the walls and floor of which are completely sheer and smooth. Overhead swirls a mist that gives off a dim, diffused light, just sufficient for you to be able to see your way ahead. Without your weapons you feel naked and vulnerable, but you take some comfort in the fact that you still have your Backpack, your Gold Crowns, and your Special Items.

Cautiously you walk along the passage, expecting the unexpected, until you arrive at a circular vault. There, upon a block of marble in the centre of the floor, lies a steel sword. As you step into the vault, slabs of stone sink into the floor to reveal two exits: one to your left, the other to your right.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination or Psi-screen, turn to 68.

If you wish to pick up the sword, turn to 224.

If you wish to enter the left tunnel, turn to 298.

If you wish to enter the right tunnel, turn to 322.

Project AonCastle Death