Castle Death


Your senses scream a warning that this object is evil. A powerful spell of shielding has been placed upon it to conceal its true purpose, but your mastery of the psychic disciplines helps you to overcome this barrier. It is a means by which its sorcerous creator may exert his control over any who touch it or gaze upon it.

A coldness probes your mind, like fingers of ice seeking to crush your will, but your Psi-screen melts the numbing grip of this psychic attack. You lash out with your foot and send the Sceptre spinning into the chasm. There is a silence, and then a dull boom, like distant thunder, reverberates in the abyss far below.

If you now wish to enter the east tunnel, from which the Dhax appeared, turn to 185.

If you prefer to enter the west tunnel, turn to 308.

Project AonCastle Death