Castle Death


A great toad-like face stares unblinkingly into your eyes as it emerges from the shadows to bask in the green light that illuminates the beach. Its body, pale and bloated like a huge, fat worm, slithers into view, and you shudder at the sight of the open sores that disfigure its skin.


A ghastly noise echoes from deep within its open mouth as it rears up to attack you with a razor-sharp tongue. Due to the surprise of its attack, you cannot make use of a Bow.


If you wish, you may evade after two rounds of combat; turn to 229.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility, you may evade combat at any time without losing ENDURANCE points; turn to 70.

If you win the combat, turn to 271.

Project AonCastle Death