Castle Death


The iron door is several inches thick and will demand a tremendous effort to raise it high enough off the floor for you to escape underneath it.

To raise the door follow the normal combat rules as if you were unarmed (subtract 4 points from your COMBAT SKILL total). If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, you need not deduct any points from your COMBAT SKILL score. Any ENDURANCE points that you lose during this ‘combat’ represent the fatigue you suffer as you strain to lift the heavy door.9


You may cease ‘combat’ at any time and explore the tunnel instead; turn to 277.

If you reduce the door’s RESISTANCE (ENDURANCE) to 0, turn to 114.

[9] It is unclear, but you may be able to use the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge to aid you in this fight (cf. The Kingdoms of Terror Section 259).

Project AonCastle Death