Castle Death


You spin a screw-like handle set in the centre of the door, releasing the lock. You open the door and enter: inside, you discover a room of steel. The walls, ceiling, and floor are all constructed of metal plate, which is polished to give a mirror-like shine. Low, iron tables are set out with the implements and accessories of magic: crucibles, retorts, aludels, flasks, and all manner of twisting glass tubes, which bubble and seethe with multi-coloured liquids. Vellum-bound tomes and crumbling parchments litter the shelves, competing for space with repulsive-looking pink organs floating in glass jars of vile-smelling preservative. Quickly you scan the shelves in search of useful items and, to your delight, rediscover all your confiscated Weapons. (Re-enter on your Action Chart everything that was taken from you before you were sent to the maze.)

In addition to your Weapons, you discover a large jar of concentrated Laumspur (restores 8 ENDURANCE points) and a Kazan-Oud Platinum Amulet. If you wish to take the Amulet, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item, which you wear on your wrist. It will protect you from injury due to exposure to high temperatures.

Elated by the rediscovery of your equipment, you leave the chamber and press on along the shiny steel tube.

Turn to 90.

Project AonCastle Death