Castle Death


You plunge your weapon into the monstrous eye and gouts of a luminous jelly-like substance pour from the wound. A ghastly inhuman scream of pain rises from the ground beneath your feet. Jets of hissing steam erupt through the sand, and a stinging cloud of grit assails your eyes.


You reel backwards, shielding your face from the blast, but an unexpected blow to your legs sends you sprawling to the ground (lose 2 ENDURANCE points). Before you can rise, a warty, green tentacle coils round your waist and pulls you slowly towards the mutilated eye.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge and wish to use it, turn to 190.

If you do not possess this skill, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 121.

Project AonCastle Death