Lord Zahda shrieks an unearthly howl as your killing blow rips open his black heart. He thrusts a pleading, claw-like hand towards the roof and drops heavily to his knees, his dying curse lost as blood fills his throat. His left eye gleams brightly for a second then suddenly dies, like a candle flaring in a storm before it is extinguished by the rain. He sways and falls from the pinnacle to be devoured by the hungry flames of the pit.
Hurrying over to the throne, you draw back your weapon and strike the black crystal with a mighty blow. It splits clean in two, releasing its dark power and showering you with hot sparks in the wake of its destruction. The riven fragments hurtle into the fiery abyss, and the flames grow deadly quiet.
From the depths of the pit, a terrible roar begins to grow. The pinnacle shakes and a column of flame lights the entire throne-hall as molten lava spews high into the air.
If you wish to take the Lorestone and escape into the steel tube, turn to 250.
If you wish to take the Lorestone and search for some other way of escape from the throne-hall, turn to 267.