Castle Death


The wolf leaps at your chest, its claws ripping your tunic as it slams you to the ground with its monstrous weight (lose 4 ENDURANCE points). Fangs flash before your eyes and fetid saliva splashes your face as you fight desperately to save yourself from the jaws of death.

Suddenly there is a ghastly scream. The wolf pulls away, its eyes fixed fearfully on the roaring jets of flame. At that moment a human form staggers into view, shrieking in agony and lurching from side to side; the wolf howls and lopes away as the flaming apparition stumbles forward, its arms flailing as it launches a wild attack.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, turn to 72.

If you wish to defend yourself, turn to 126.

If you wish to run past the fiery attacker and into the roaring jets of flame, turn to 204.

Project AonCastle Death