Castle Death


Your hand passes through the surface of the first bubble meeting little resistance; it is as if you are dipping your hand into a pool of water. But when you try to remove it, the rubbery skin closes in a vice-like grip. You fight to free your hand, but you only cause the bubble to work its way further up your arm. Soon it envelops your whole body, locking you within its airtight skin.

Your eyes bulge and your lungs burn viciously as you fight for air in this transparent prison (lose 6 ENDURANCE points).

If you have a sword and want to try to cut your way out of the bubble, turn to 26.

If you have a Torch and Tinderbox, or a Lantern, and want to try to burn your way free, turn to 51.

If you have a Kalte Firesphere, turn to 145.

If you have none of the above items, turn to 292.

Project AonCastle Death