Castle Death


You recognize the herbs to be crushed Adgana leaves, a plant that grows in abundance in the Bavari Hills of northern Dessi. One dose is enough to increase your COMBAT SKILL by 6 points for the duration of a fight.

However, Adgana is shunned by most professional warriors and its use is outlawed in the Lastlands because it is highly addictive. If you decide to take this potion prior to combat, there is a small chance that you could become addicted. As soon as the combat is resolved, you must pick a number from the Random Number Table. If the number you pick is 0 or 1, you have become addicted and your ENDURANCE score must be reduced by 4 points. This reduction is a permanent loss to your basic ENDURANCE points score.

Should the opportunity to use a further dose of Adgana ever arise, its effect on that occasion will be only half that of the original dose (i.e. it will increase your COMBAT SKILL by 3 points instead of 6).

If you now wish to examine the sarcophagus, turn to 83.

If you wish to enter the tunnel from which the Beastmen appeared, turn to 323.

If you wish to leave the hall by the other tunnel, turn to 201.

Project AonCastle Death