Castle Death


You race over to your companion’s side and discover that he is still conscious, although he has lost a lot of blood. Using your healing skill, you repair the wound as best you can, but it is deep and severe and you can only prolong his life for a few minutes at most. You tell him of your quest and the help the Elder Magi have given to enable you to enter Kazan-Oud. As you recount your air voyage to Herdos aboard Lord Paido’s skyship, you notice his eyes flicker in recognition of the name.

‘My name is Kasin,’ he says, painfully. ‘Lord Paido is my brother.’ You notice the resemblance in his cat-like eyes and square jaw. ‘I’m finished, Kai Lord,’ he says, his face bathed in sweat, ‘but I can and will help you in your quest. Listen carefully. Over there, behind the tapestry, is a secret passage. It leads to Zahda’s throne. Above the throne is the Lorestone of Herdos, but beware, Zahda has coupled its power to a Doomstone from the realm of Naaros. He draws his power from that accursed gem. If you are to succeed, you must first destroy the Doomstone or you will surely perish. Sadly, I cannot help you escape from Kazan-Oud, for I myself was captured long before I reached the surface, but if you can get to the beach, make your way to the old stone jetty. I hid my boat beneath the steps there.’ His grip tightens around your hand as a wave of pain washes over his body. ‘When you return to Elzian,’ he gasps, ‘tell my brother that my death was not in vain … May the gods protect you … Lone Wolf.’

As his eyes close for the last time, you promise that his bravery will live forever in the hearts of the Vakeros—his brave warrior kin.

Turn to 282.

Project AonCastle Death