Castle Death


‘We’re as good as dead if we stay here,’ says the warrior in a broad Stornlands accent. ‘Come, we best find ourselves a safe tunnel before they release a Trakka. We’ll have a horde of Zahda’s pets snappin’ at our heels if it picks up our scent.’

You follow the man through a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers; descending by slope and staircase to deeper levels of this subterranean world. Not a word is spoken until, finally, you stop to rest in a small, musty chamber, its entrance partially hidden behind a rockfall of scarlet stone. ‘How long have you been tunnel-running?’ your companion asks. When you reply that you’ve been in Kazan-Oud no more than a few hours, his face registers a look of surprise followed by disappointment. ‘I’d have stood and fought the Dhax had I known I was so near to the surface,’ he says, shaking his head and staring dejectedly at the floor.

He tells you that his name is Tavig and that he comes from Suentina, a city in the western land of Slovia. Over a year ago his sister was captured by Sadzar, the slaver of Gzor, when a ship on which she was a passenger was attacked by his pirate fleet off the island of Lio. One thousand Crowns was the ransom Sadzar placed on her head, and Tavig vowed he would raise the gold and save his sister or die in the attempt. Undaunted by the rumours he had heard, he travelled to Herdos to offer his services to the Elder Magi, to attempt the destruction of the evil that haunts Kazan-Oud, in return for his sister’s ransom. They agreed to his price, as they had agreed to scores of others’ before him, and sent him through the power-shield with their hopes and prayers for success. That was one year ago.

‘One man alone could never hope to destroy Zahda, he who commands this fortress, for his power has grown greater than the Elders imagine. I tried and I failed. Twice I’ve been captured and twice I’ve escaped from his maze, and now my only wish is to escape from this fortress of nightmares. I’m a tunnel-runner, a survivor, a fugitive from Zahda’s law, but I fear my time has nearly run out.’

Drawing his sword, Tavig walks to the entrance and peers into the corridor outside. ‘Luck be on your side, stranger,’ he says, and hurries away. You call out for him to wait, to tell you more of what he has learnt of Kazan-Oud, but your pleas go unanswered as he disappears into the tunnel.

If you wish to follow him, turn to 119.

If you decide to continue alone, turn to 308.

Project AonCastle Death