Castle Death


Your basic Kai skill of tracking enables you to stay on Tavig’s trail. As you retrace the route you took earlier, your mind is filled with urgent questions. Who or what is the Trakka? Where do the Dhax come from? Who is Zahda that Tavig spoke of so fearfully?

Suddenly your thoughts are shattered by a scream that resounds from the top of a staircase directly ahead. Tavig appears, clutching his face, blood trickling through his fingers. He is about to fall when the scaly green fingers of a gigantic hand reach out of the darkness and snatch him back. He vanishes from sight, but his screams grow louder.

If you wish to charge up the stairs to try to save him, turn to 280.

If you wish to escape in the opposite direction, turn to 323.

Project AonCastle Death