You dive through the gap, with barely an inch to spare, and the wall slams down behind you with a tremendous crunch. You lie flat on your back, your heart pounding fit to burst, your stomach churning at the thought of how near you came to death. Wearily, you get to your feet and press on along the tunnel, which is now noticeably cooler and clearer than before. You soon emerge into a hall that is filled with a strong, earthy smell. Two rows of great stone pillars support the roof, and a huge granite sarcophagus stands in the centre of the floor. From the black entrance of a tunnel to your right, you hear the clanking of armour and the sound of approaching footsteps.
If you wish to hide behind one of the pillars, turn to 110.
If you wish to leave the hall by a tunnel to your left, turn to 201.
If you decide to lie in ambush for whoever or whatever it is that is approaching the hall, turn to 319.