Taking up a position to one side of the tunnel, you press yourself flat against the wall and wait for the best moment to strike. Four warriors, dark and grim, march into the hall in single file. At first sight you mistake them for Drakkarim, for their black armour and skull-like helmets are identical to those worn by the evil human warriors who serve the Darklords of Helgedad. As you launch your attack, you see their features and realize that they cannot possibly be human. Great sloping shoulders support their unnaturally long arms; yellow-clawed hairy hands grip axes and spears of rough-wrought iron; and behind them swing long, tufted tails, like those of lions.
Your first blow shears through the backplate of the last warrior in the line, causing him to howl like a demon and collapse in a crumpled heap at your feet. The others spin to face you, their reactions battle-swift, their weapons raised to counter your threat. The leader throws open his visor to reveal a boar-like snout and tusks. He bellows a fearsome growl and stabs at you with his spear. The others echo his cry and close around you. You cannot evade combat and must fight all three as one enemy.
Zahda Beastmen: COMBAT SKILL 28 ENDURANCE 35
If you win the combat, turn to 56.