Castle Death


You recognize the dead man’s hauberk as that of a Kakushi mercenary: the ten-pointed star of Nikesa, the symbol of that country’s capital city, adorns each of the rusty buckles that fasten his chainmail armour. In a leather pouch hanging from his belt you discover 6 Gold Crowns, and inside the tattered remains of his backpack, there is a Rope and a hooded Red Robe.

A close examination of the weapons shows them both to be quite useless: the bone-handled dagger crumbles to dust when you try to dislodge it from the corpse’s skull, and the blade of the sword is dull and eaten by rust.

If you now wish to continue along the tunnel, turn to 318.

If you decide to climb the stairs and investigate the open trap door, turn to 93.

Project AonCastle Death