Castle Death


A rickety, hunchbacked creature, swathed in a hooded robe, approaches the platform on which you stand manacled to the wall. With an efficiency born of practice, quickly he strips you of all your weapons and hands them to an ugly-faced dwarf, hovering at his side. The dwarf looks at the Sommerswerd with an appraising eye, and then raises it above his head to show it to his master. Before he can speak, there is a sudden roar, as a bolt of golden energy engulfs the hilt. Screaming with pain, the dwarf drops the sword and cradles his smoking hand, his fingers now missing half their length. You are unable to hide your smile and are quickly punished for your insolence. The robed creature strikes you across the face, gashing your cheek with its rough, warty fist (lose 1 ENDURANCE point).

‘Take him to the maze,’ commands white-haired Lord Zahda, ‘and leave the sword for me.’

The Sommerswerd rises into the air and floats towards the golden throne on a cushion of blue mist.14 As you are dragged from the hall in chains, you are taunted by Zahda’s cruel laugh and the fear that your quest is now doomed to failure.

Erase all Weapons and weapon-like Special Items from your Action Chart and make a note of them on a separate piece of paper in case you should rediscover them at a later stage of your adventure.

Now turn to 286.

[14] Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.6 clarifies: ‘In Book 2 [Section] 79, it states that in order to release the power of the Sommerswerd, only a Kai Lord should wield it. Should it be used in combat by anyone who is not a Kai Lord, its power will fade and be lost forever. The Dwarf in Castle Death did not use the Sommerswerd in combat, and therefore its power has not been diminished as a result.’

Project AonCastle Death