Castle Death


You lash out at the monster’s eyelid and open a terrible wound. But before you can deal another a bolt of red fire screams down from the grating, hits your shoulder, and paralyses your whole arm with a sickening pain. You reel back, your weapon clattering to the ground as your fingers are robbed of all feeling (lose 6 ENDURANCE points).

The snake writhes and twists in blind rage, its open jaws seeking you out to exact its revenge. It soon picks up your scent and attacks with frightening speed.

Giant Hactaraton: COMBAT SKILL 20   ENDURANCE 45

Your weapon lies on the ground near your feet, and you must deduct 4 points from your COMBAT SKILL total for the first two rounds of combat. If you are still alive at the beginning of the third round, you can retrieve your weapon. Unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing double all ENDURANCE points that you lose during the combat, due to the venomous bite of your enemy.

If you win the fight, turn to 21.

Project AonCastle Death