Castle Death


The sphere halts in mid-air less than ten feet from where you stand. It looks like a huge, black human brain studded with large, hairy warts. A whistle, soft but chilling, gradually rises in pitch until it fills your head with agonizing pain. Your fingers tremble and, as your weapon slips from your grasp, a slit opens in the side of the brain. It is a mouth, broad and puffy, with an upper lip that hangs over the lower jaw like milk boiling over the pan. A long tendril of flesh emerges from the mouth and snakes through the air towards your throat.


If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, turn to 217.

If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, turn to 35.

If you possess neither of these skills, turn to 143.

Project AonCastle Death