Jets of fire spurt from the floor and walls momentarily blinding you. A wave of searing heat buffets your face, singeing your hair and eyelashes (lose 2 ENDURANCE points), and forcing you to retreat for fear of being burned alive.
Suddenly there is a ghastly scream. Something is approaching you through the flames. In the next instant, a blazing human form staggers into view; it shrieks in agony and lurches out of the fire-jets, its arms flailing wildly as it launches an attack.
If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, turn to 72.
If you wish to prepare to defend yourself, turn to 126.
If you wish to run past the fiery attacker and into the blazing inferno, turn to 204.
If you wish to evade both by running back along the tunnel, turn to 320.