You unsheathe your weapon and strike a mighty blow at the black crystal. It splits clean in two, releasing its dark power and showering you with hot sparks in the wake of its destruction. The riven fragments hurtle into the fiery abyss that surrounds Zahda’s throne, quashing the roaring flames.
‘Curse you, Kai Lord!’ screams Lord Zahda, leaping out from behind the golden throne, brandishing a platinum rod. Defiantly, he points the rod at your head and spits an evocation, but the power he calls upon no longer heeds his cry. From the depths of the pit, a terrible roar begins to grow. The floor shakes and a column of flame lights the entire throne-hall as molten lava spews high into the air. Zahda staggers back, his face aghast with terror. Hurriedly he kneels before his throne, his crooked fingers stroking at a pentagram engraved in the gold. Above the din of destruction, another sound, like the ringing of a thousand tiny bells, can be heard, and in the blackness above the throne a speckled glow appears. It descends towards Lord Zahda until he is totally engulfed by a column of shimmering blue light. His body rises, lifted by unseen hands.
If you wish to grab the Lorestone and step into the column of shimmering blue light, turn to 118.
If you wish to grab the Lorestone and escape back into the steel tube, turn to 250.