Castle Death


Your attack is swift and deadly. You dispatch all three of them in as many blows and cover their dead bodies with a tapestry torn from the wall. There is nothing of value in the pockets of their robes, but lying on the table, you find a Skeleton Key and a Parchment. Both items look as if they could be of use, and you decide to keep them. (Mark them as Special Items on your Action Chart, to be kept in the pocket of your tunic.)

You leave the chamber, but as soon as you set foot into the corridor beyond, you are confronted by an armoured guard. He screams a cry that is muffled by the visor of his helmet and turns to run towards a bell-rope hanging from a hole in the ceiling.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 266.

If you do not have a Bow, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 40.

Project AonCastle Death