Castle Death


A streak of green, forked lightning lights up the collapsed roof of Kazan-Oud, and for a second, it looks like the shattered ribs of a giant lizard. There is another flash of lightning, and a hundred tower windows glare at you like empty eyes edged with slivers of broken glass. A line of carved stone gargoyles adorns the black stone walls, overhanging the jetty. Rings of rusted iron are clamped in their snarling jaws, each wound round with slime-encrusted ropes that dangle in the water. At the jetty, it is deep enough to allow a large vessel to dock, but the current and the swell of the tide make it increasingly difficult for you to control your tiny boat.

Your stomach tightens as the swell threatens to dash you against the jetty.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 57.

If you wish to stop paddling and try to grab one of the ropes, turn to 203.

If you decide to abandon the boat and swim towards a line of rocks further west, turn to 325.

Project AonCastle Death