Castle Death


The tunnel descends to a vast, cavernous hall. Spirals of yellow smoke rise up on either side of a narrow stone walkway that leads to its centre. There it meets another path running from east to west. Cautiously you advance along the walkway, your stomach unsettled by the stench of the sulphurous smoke and the sight of the dark, yawning void on either side.

At the junction, you hear the sound of running feet echoing from an archway to your right. The footfalls grow louder and, suddenly, a man in leather armour bursts out of the darkness, his studded boots striking sparks on the stone pathway as he skids to a halt. Sweat pours down his lean and leathery face, and his eyes flash with fear. He casts an anxious glance over his shoulder before unsheathing his sword and advancing towards you.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 205.

If you have a Bow and wish to fire at the warrior, turn to 79.

If you wish to draw your weapon and prepare to defend yourself, turn to 95.

Project AonCastle Death