Castle Death


As you place the key into the tiny keyhole, you feel your fingers tingle. There is a soft noise like rushing wind, and then, suddenly, the key vanishes from your grip (erase this Special Item from your Action Chart). Soundlessly, the great door swings open to reveal a plain stone room. You enter and, as the door closes, you notice a coiled snake etched deep into its surface.

Carved in the centre of its scaly coils is the number 123. Make a note of this number in the margin of your Action Chart—it may be of use to you at a later stage of your adventure.

Beside the closed door, hanging in a rack suspended from the ceiling, are a Spear and a Quarterstaff. Both weapons are in remarkably fine condition despite the warm, damp air. At the other side of the room, two torchlit tunnels descend to the north and the east.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, turn to 139.

If you wish to enter the north tunnel, turn to 187.

If you wish to enter the east tunnel, turn to 101.

Project AonCastle Death