Castle Death


Stealthily, you cross the cracked, flagstoned floor of the Great Hall, your muscles and nerves tensed for the sounds of danger. The constant sound of dripping water and the howl of the storm add to the utter desolation of the chamber. A thorny jungle of briars climbs the walls with greedy claws, coiling around the rotten frames of paintings and weaving through damp and mouldering tapestries.

Suspended above the fireplace is a great Anarian broadsword, its pitted steel blade pointing to one side. Your eyes travel along the blade to the shadows of the fireplace, and you notice something lying in the grate. Moving nearer, you see that it is the body of a dead man. Behind it is a panel, wedged open by the corpse, and, peering into the gloomy opening, you can just make out some stairs disappearing down into the darkness.


If you wish to examine the dead body, turn to 146.

If you wish to explore the secret passage, turn to 11.

Project AonCastle Death