Castle Death


Your companion rolls the body over and unsheathes a Short Sword and a Dagger from the belt. You may take the Axe that was used in combat and the Dagger, if you wish.


At the bottom of the stairs is a deserted hallway at the end of which are two great doors of gleaming bronze. Sumptuous tapestries and statuettes of gold line the walls on either side, and an ornate fountain of silvered marble fills the hall with a melodious bubbling sound.

You have covered less than twenty feet when an armoured guard steps into view from behind the fountain. He raises a crossbow and you shout a warning to your newfound partner—but you are too late. The bolt hisses through the air, hitting him with such force that he is knocked off his feet and sent crashing to the ground. The guard fumbles in a leather pouch for another quarrel with which to dispatch you.

If you wish to aid your wounded companion, turn to 28.

If you decide to attack the guard before he can reload his weapon, turn to 81.

Project AonCastle Death