[1] (Equipment) The Lantern is designed to be self-lighting. You will not need a Tinderbox or any other means of creating a flame to light it.
[2] (Section 11) For those who cannot use the illustration of the plaque or those who don’t have access to it, we offer the following description.
The plaque can be formed in the following way. A regular hexagon (i.e. a six-sided shape with all sides of equal length and all angles equal) is divided into six equal triangles by three lines which extend from each corner to its opposite (i.e. one line for each of three pairs of opposite corners). A larger triangle is formed from the hexagon by placing three triangles (of the same size and shape as the triangles in the hexagon) next to three alternating sides of the hexagon (i.e. if the sides of the hexagon are numbered 1–6, then the sides of the triangles should be attached to sides 2, 4, and 6).
Alternately, the plaque could be formed from equilateral triangles (i.e. triangles with three equal sides) in the following way. A single triangle is placed on the plaque with one of its corners pointing down. Three new triangles are attached to the sides of the first triangle. The result so far should resemble a large triangle with one corner pointing up. Two more small triangles (pointing down) are attached to the bottom of this large triangle. Finally, three new triangles (pointing up) are attached to the latest two so that, all together, the plaque forms one large triangle.
The final, triangular plaque has five interlocking rows of small triangles. Starting from the top, it has a row of one triangle pointing up, a row of one triangle pointing down, a row of two triangles pointing up, a row of two triangles pointing down, and a row of three triangles pointing up.
[3] (Section 13) This section is the correct answer to the dial problem from Section 306.
[4] (Section 27) You may decide to add a +5 bonus to your COMBAT SKILL if you are using the Jewelled Mace (cf. Shadow on the Sand Section 253).
[5] (Section 34) This section is the correct answer to the Zakhan’s riddle from Section 100.
[6] (Section 100) The section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.
[7] (Section 137) If you have any Arrows in your Quiver, they have fallen out in your fall, and you must erase them from your Action Chart (cf. Section 7).
[8] (Section 148) You may not carry the Helmet at the same time as the Silver Helm, if you have it.
[9] (Section 214) It is unclear, but you may be able to use the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge to aid you in this fight (cf. The Kingdoms of Terror Section 259).
[10] (Section 257) Alternatively, you may decide that it is acceptable to use a Towel from the public baths in Barrakeesh, if you are carrying one.
[11] (Section 263) If you have used a Vial of Blue Pills recently, their effects have worn off after being submerged for too long.
[12] (Section 301) If you still have any Arrows in your Quiver, they have fallen out in your fall, and you must erase them from your Action Chart. (cf. Section 7).
[13] (Section 306) The section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.
[14] (Section 335) Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.6 clarifies: ‘In Book 2 [Section] 79, it states that in order to release the power of the Sommerswerd, only a Kai Lord should wield it. Should it be used in combat by anyone who is not a Kai Lord, its power will fade and be lost forever. The Dwarf in Castle Death did not use the Sommerswerd in combat, and therefore its power has not been diminished as a result.’