Castle Death


The snake reveals its fangs. Like great curved broadswords glistening with venom, they shine coldly in the light that pours down through the grating high above. You grip your weapon, bracing your back against the wet stone wall and waiting for the right moment to strike. As the monstrous head sways awkwardly from side to side, you catch sight of a small tunnel cut out of the far wall, which was previously hidden from view by the snake and its nest. Your spirits are raised by the possibility of escaping from this nightmare, but first you must fight this hideous creature.12

Unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, double all ENDURANCE points you lose during this combat due to the venomous bite of the monster.

Giant Hactaraton: COMBAT SKILL 22   ENDURANCE 60

After four rounds of combat you can attempt to evade the creature by crawling into the tunnel; turn to 91.

If you win the combat, turn to 21.

[12] If you still have any Arrows in your Quiver, they have fallen out in your fall, and you must erase them from your Action Chart. (cf. Section 7).

Project AonCastle Death