Castle Death


‘Stick with me,’ shouts the warrior over his shoulder as you race along the walkway, the creatures hot on your heels. Events are happening too quickly for you to rationalize your actions; instinct is now your only guide. At the arch he suddenly stops, throwing his arms out wide to hold you back. You run headlong into him with a jolt that leaves you breathless, but his strong hands grab your Backpack and keep you on your feet.

‘Snake-trap!’ he shouts, pointing to a stone slab set into the floor. ‘Curse this infernal place; is nowhere safe from Zahda’s devilry?’ A shriek of malicious glee makes you turn your head; the creatures are closer than you feared. ‘Jump!’ cries the warrior. ‘For pity’s sake, jump!’

If you wish to jump across the slab, turn to 268.

If you decide to stand and fight the onrushing enemy, turn to 299.

Project AonCastle Death