Castle Death


‘Good!’ booms the voice of Zahda, as you land on the opposite side of the pit. ‘You are brave! But have you brains as well as battle-brawn, I wonder? Ha! Soon we shall see.’

The voice conjures an image of Lord Zahda in your mind. He is seated on a golden throne with the object of your quest, the Lorestone of Herdos, suspended in the air above him. You resolve to survive this accursed maze and escape. If you can then only find your way back to Zahda’s throne hall, the success of your quest will be within your grasp.

You walk along the passage that leads away from the pit, your mind filled with dismay as you contemplate the problems and perils that lie before you. One such problem looms into view as the passage takes a sharp turn.

Turn to 100.

Project AonCastle Death