Castle Death


Your heart pounding, you reach for the Lorestone, your fingers trembling in anticipation of the moment when, by merely touching its crystal shell, you will absorb its vast wisdom. You feel giddy with excitement as your hand draws closer. Then suddenly a severe pain burns your fingers, jolting you to your senses: a gout of black fire has sprung from the dark crystal, stabbing you viciously with its spiky flame (lose 3 ENDURANCE points). Lightning dances around the crystal, fusing it to the Lorestone with a crackling fire. A cone of light bathes the throne and, in its shadowless glare, Lord Zahda appears, gaunt and wild-eyed; in his hand he holds a rod of inlaid platinum, which he now points directly at your head.

If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 174.

If you do not have this Special Item, turn to 202.

Project AonCastle Death