Castle Death


You recognize the symptoms of takadea, or ‘gaolrot’ as it is commonly called in your country. As you approach the trembling man, you reassure him that you mean him no harm, that you can help him if only he will trust you. Placing your hands over his eyes, you transfuse the healing power of your Magnakai skill into his sick body, concentrating your energy into reversing the terrible effects of the disease. When you remove your hands, his eyes are no longer opaque; they gleam with a cat-like intensity.

‘I can see,’ he says in astonishment, his voice cracked with emotion. ‘How can I ever repay you for this miracle?’ Before you can answer, the sound of running feet echoes along the corridor outside.

‘Follow me,’ he says, springing to his feet. ‘If Zahda’s guards find you in here they’ll kill us both.’

Turn to 290.

Project AonCastle Death