Shadow on the Sand


You enter a large vestibule constructed from blocks of pink and white marble. A man in a white robe sits near a door in the far wall; he is reading a scroll held close to his face. He has not seen you enter the baths, but he is quick to sense your presence.


‘By the Majhan!’ he cries. ‘You smell worse than a Baknar!’ He hurls a towel at you and points to the door. ‘Take my advice,’ he whines, his fingers pinching shut his nostrils. ‘Don’t get undressed—your clothes need the bath as much as you.’

You grit your teeth in anticipation of the moment when he sees that you are not Vassagonian, but he simply returns to his scroll, holding the parchment close to his short-sighted eyes. You smile as you realize that the man cannot see you clearly enough to know you are a foreigner.

Beyond the door there is a long hall, leading at regular intervals into smaller open chambers, each with a sunken bath. Perfumed water constantly splashes into the baths and drains away directly into the Baga-darooz. You decide to take the bath attendant’s advice and jump straight into the cool water, keeping all your clothes on. You notice a large earthenware jar stands beside the bath, full to the brim with translucent purple oil.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing, turn to 6.

If you wish to swallow some of the purple oil, turn to 41.

If you wish to rub some into your skin, turn to 103.

If you decide to ignore the oil, turn to 71.

Project AonShadow on the Sand