Shadow on the Sand


Beads of sweat break out on the faces of the guards as they frantically race to load their crossbows. Your bold move has unnerved them, and their fear makes them clumsy.

You reach the top of the steps and attack with the speed of a tiger, dashing the crossbow from a guard’s shaking hands with your first blow and splitting his jaw with the second. He screams and falls, toppling from the bridge to crash into the garden below. Meanwhile, the other guard has thrown away his crossbow and drawn a steel mace. He runs at you with hatred blazing in his dark eyes; you have just killed his brother and he is thirsty for revenge. Due to his frenzied state of mind, this guard is now immune to Mindblast.



If you win the combat, you enter the tower. Turn to 396.

Project AonShadow on the Sand