Shadow on the Sand


Each of the three bottles bears a label, handwritten in green ink.

  • Larnuma Oil (restores 2 ENDURANCE points per dose)—3 Gold Crowns
  • Laumspur (restores 4 ENDURANCE points per dose)—5 Gold Crowns
  • Rendalim’s Elixir (restores 6 ENDURANCE points per dose)—7 Gold Crowns

You may purchase any of the above. (The prices are per dose. All the potions are Backpack Items.) The herb-mistress then escorts you to a side door. ‘I sense your despair, Northlander. I pray you find your cure.’


As you leave, she offers a word of advice. ‘The guards at the north gate of the Grand Palace can be bribed.’ You thank her and enter the alley running along the side of her shop.

Turn to 160.

Project AonShadow on the Sand